Monday, November 16, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015


For today's warm up I would like you to analyze this photograph.

Here are some suggested questions you can answer for your image analysis:

What's going on in this image?
What elements of art do you see?
What principles of design are used?
How did the photographer compose the picture?
How do the elements of art, principals of design, and composition help tell the story?
Why did the photographer take this picture?
Why is the subject not smiling?
Why does the picture look the way that it looks?
Why should we look at this picture?
Who is this a picture of?
Why is it in a little case or frame?

Write your response in the comments. After completing the warm up please go to Google Classroom for your block day assignment.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Warm Up: Tuesday, November 10

For this warm up, please take a moment to look closely at this photograph. You may reference the Elements of Art and Principles of Design vocabulary here. Comment below with your responses to the following questions:

  • What do you think is going on in this picture? What is the story? (try to keep it to one sentence)
  • What elements of art do you see in this photograph?
  • Now choose one of those elements of art. How does that element of art help create a principle of design in this photograph?
  • How do the elements of art and principles of design help tell the story?
  • What role do you think Photoshop played in creating this image?
Ruud Van Empel, Wonder, 2010

Monday, October 19, 2015

Warm Up - Monday 10/19/2015

Corey Perrine 
For this warm up, please take a moment to look closely at this photograph. You may reference the Elements of Art and Principles of Design vocabulary here. Comment below with your responses to the following questions:

  • What do you think is going on in this picture? What is the story? (try to keep it to one sentence)
  • What elements of art do you see in this photograph?
  • Now choose one of those elements of art. How does that element of art help create a principle of design in this photograph?
  • How do the elements of art and principles of design help tell the story?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Warm Up - Monday 9/28/15

This photograph by David Ryder was posted on, a website that was started with the goal to "foster the advancement of photojournalism. dedicated to building a photo community that promotes individuality, encourages ideas and nurtures the talent of today's hottest young photographers."

For this warm up, please take a moment to look closely at this photograph. You may reference the Elements of Art and Principles of Design vocabulary here. Comment below with your responses to the following questions:

  • What do you think is going on in this picture? What is the story? (try to keep it to one sentence)
  • What elements of art do you see in this photograph?
  • Now choose one of those elements of art. How does that element of art help create a principle of design in this photograph?
  • How do the elements of art and principles of design help tell the story?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Set your Bookmarks!

These three sites will be visited on a regular basis in this class.

Please make sure you know how to navigate to them quickly. I recommend you bookmark them in your Chrome browser. One last thing: check to see if your bookmarks bar is visible. Ask Ms. S if you need help with this.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

My Pictures Part 1

The two photographs I chose are important to me because they are of my family. 
Can you guess which one is me?
The first picture is of me with my sister. We live far away from each other now, so I cherish the memories I have of us being goofy kids together. I think my mom took this picture with a Polaroid camera. 
Dorian :-)
The second picture is of my dog, Dorian. We have had him since he was three years old and now he is 14! This picture is important to me because it shows him when he was a young whipper snapper! My boyfriend took this picture with his phone.  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Welcome to Studio 290!

Hello Digital Photography Students!

Welcome to Studio 290! On this blog you will find links to your classmates' blogs. Look for your Period # in one of the widgets on the sidebar. Click on the link and you will be able to see what everyone else is doing in Digital Photography here at Mission Hills.

I am very excited to see all of your work!

Happy Blogging,
Ms. Sokolowski
That's me :-)